The portal is now open for admission for Post Primary
Online applications will open at 12noon on Tuesday 28 January 2025 and will close at 12noon on Thursday 20 February 2025.
Click on the link below for guidance on how to apply
Choices: Please note it is advisable to select at least 3 Post Primary Schools
Good News Worth Sharing Click Here for details
Women's Tec
A little reminder the course starts on Wednesday 19th February and there are some places still available.
Please get in touch with the school office if you are interested.
Hazelwood Headlines - Click here to view our Monthly Newsletter
Upcoming Events for February- Please Click HERE for Details
We are Excited to launch our new Dinner Menu - Starting 6th January 2025 at Week 1- Provided by Lunch Time Delivered. Click on Menu for Details
Bat Night
Vision for Hazelwood Integrated Primary and Nursery School
We are committed to creating unique, inclusive, and child centred learning experiences that allow our pupils and our staff to learn with one another, from one another and about one another.
At Hazelwood Integrated we believe that the future of the world is in every classroom.
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Welcome Welcome message from Mr McDaid
Welcome to our school website! As you navigate your way through this site I hope that your overwhelming impression is that we are a nurturing school. I hope you see a school that offers your child opportunities to learn and to achieve – a school that develops and enriches your child through their daily experiences.
Most especially we are an Integrated school and in this environment, we talk about who we are and what we believe – we respect our own and others' cultures and backgrounds and take on the challenges that living in Northern Ireland continues to present.
We are a Forest school and develop the curriculum through outdoor learning. We are proud of this and of our Eco School Status. We aim to help each child fulfil their potential and aspire to give them skills to be wonderful citizens of the future. I invite you to come and visit and see for yourself and look forward to meeting you in the near future!
Jim Mc Daid
Please download the School Jotter Mobile App
Latest Our School Calendar Events
- Big Pyjama Party for Big Bedtime Read in the Nursery27Feb2025
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
- Recycling Mr Rat visiting the Nursery04Mar2025
9:30 am - 10:30 am
- World Book Day06Mar2025
- First Reconciliation12Mar2025
11:00 am - 12:30 pm
- Staff training day14Mar2025