Hazelwood Integrated

Hazelwood Integrated

Primary and Nursery School

  1. Classes
  2. Primary 1
  3. World Around Us

World Around Us


P1 had a day out to Streamvale Farm on Friday. All children were a credit to the school. The children enjoyed meeting different animals as well as hearing all about them. A great day was had by all.

P1 enjoyed a visit from Exploris today. The children enjoyed hearing about the different animals and having the opportunity to feel and see them up close. 

P1 had great fun in the woods today. They worked together to build homes for Nocturnal animals which is part of our topic this term. Children love the outdoors and working together. They enjoyed using items from the woodland and discussing their creations.

P1 are learning about Nocturnal and Diurnal animals as part of our topic Day and Night. Alan from Wee Critters came to visit and brought along some of his friends. Great fun was had by all.

For the Day and Night topic, p1 explored different types of light - natural and artificial. We then learned about how light can create shadows and explored shadow puppets in our blackout tent using a torch as our light source. 

In science, P1 explored light and how it travels. We used a torch and different household items to see if light reflects or refracts off the materials.

As part of Primary one's World Around Us Topic Mrs Byrne's Class enjoyed learning about sources of light. They talked about sources which are natural and those which are man made.