Hazelwood Integrated

Hazelwood Integrated

Primary and Nursery School

  1. Our School
  2. Citizen of the Month
  3. Attendance Winners

Attendance Winners


Attendance Award fir June 2024

Red Zone

P1 Miss Nixon

Blue Zone

P6 Mr McQuillan

Attendance Award for May 2024



Red Zone

Primary 1 Miss Nixon's Class



Green Zone

Primary 4 Mrs Smyth's Class


Blue Zone

Primary 6 Mr McQuillan's Class


Overall Attendance Raffle Winner & Winner of the Cinema Tickets

Attendance Award for April 2024

Red Zone

Green Zone

Primary 4 Mrs Smyth's Class

Blue Zone

Primary 6 Mr McQuillan's Class

Overall Attendance Raffle Winner & Winner of the Cinema Tickets

Attendance Award for March 2024

Primary 1 Miss Nixon's Class 

Primary 5 Mr Quinn's Class

Primary 6 Miss Courtney's Class

Overall Attendance Raffle Winner & Winner of the Cinema Tickets

Red Zone

Primary 1 Miss Nixon's Class

Green Zone

Primary 5 Mrs Armstrong's Class

Blue Zone

Primary 6 Mr McQuillan's Class

Overall Attendance Award Winner